Monday, May 25, 2020

Art in the Time of Corona

I've lived in the Defence Colony neighborhood of New Delhi for over 2 1/2 years.  But it was only last month that I discovered a hidden feature of my neighborhood.  

I was standing on the traffic circle - a key landmark of Defense Colony - waiting for a shuttle bus to go into the office.  Because I don't have a car and all public transportation was stopped due to the COVID lockdown, the shuttle bus was my only available mode of transport.  I suppose I could have tried walking the 4.5 miles, but most Delhi streets had barricades where I would have been stopped and questioned, whereas the shuttle had sanctioned permission to transport limited staff.

So, I was standing there waiting and noticed something in a nearby tree.  I walked closer and realized it was a cartoon face on the tree trunk!  I chuckled and took a photo.  Several weeks later, I was walking back from the shuttle bus and noticed a different tree with a different face!

With the lockdown eased as of May 18, I took a walk this weekend to check out this hidden-in-plain-sight public art in more detail.  Within the traffic circle is a lovely park with trees and grass and playground equipment.  And around the perimeter of the park are over a dozen of these trees with funny faces or animals perched within the branches.  

So much art and culture has been shut-down by COVID, but this is certainly a case of COVID revealing art to me!