Sunday, December 31, 2017

Adventures in Transportation - Moto

Sometimes in Delhi, getting to your destination is half the adventure.  Recently, a friend and I decided to check out a new restaurant.  We found the location in Uber and set off.  As we neared it, we found ourselves in a busy market district, so we hopped out of the car, figuring it would be easier to search for it on foot.  We walked up and down the street, and down a back alley, but found no sign of the restaurant.  We asked some shopkeepers with no success.  Eventually we called the restaurant, and embarked on a fruitless conversation of trying to explain where we were with very few landmarks to go from.  Finally, we looked up the restaurant in Google Maps and discovered it was 1/2 kilometer away on a different street!  It was a nice enough night, so we decided to walk.

After a couple blocks, the restaurant called back.  We said we were now next to a metro station.  The restaurant said "Stay there, we will send someone."  Not sure who we should be on the lookout for, or how they would identify us, we stayed put until we saw a guy approach on a moto, looking like he was searching for someone.  He was our ride!  The two of us gingerly climbed on the back.  The driver s-l-o-w-l-y turned the bike around, but lost his balance and nearly tipped us over on the side!  Now pointed in the right direction, he again s-l-o-w-ly accelerated, and as we reached cruising speed and left the side access road, followed the shoulder directly into busy oncoming traffic!

This feels perfectly safe!

Luckily we only traveled like that a couple blocks before turning off onto a quiet street and pulling up to the restaurant.  Our fearless driver humored us with a photo.  Then we enjoyed a nice meal, which was uneventful after the journey of getting there!  

Driver and chariot