Saturday, February 9, 2019

Cirque du Soleil

Dorian, Erica, Maribel, and Mary practice their acrobatic moves
When I heard that Cirque du Soleil was coming to New Delhi, it was an event I did not want to miss! I've seen Cirque du Soleil before and knew they put on a fabulous performance.  This show, Bazzar, was no exception. 

Bouncy Tightrope
The picture above was what I'm calling the bouncy tightrope.  The rope was strung perhaps 3 or 4 feet off the ground.  Much of the act involved the performer bouncing high off the rope, flipping in the air, and then landing back on the rope.  In this picture, though, he's not bouncing.  He's wrapped his ankles around the rope and is balancing while hanging off the side...obviously with no hands!

One of the best things about seeing the show in New Delhi was that the tickets were cheaper than in America.  We had 3rd row seats for under $100.  It was amazing to be so close to see the performers' facial expressions and to take decent pictures.

Pole Man
I had a hard time thinking of a good name for the performer pictured above.  There was a wooden pole in the middle of the stage and he climbed up it and balanced himself in different positions.  In this picture, he's made it to the top, balancing on one hand.  I love how I snapped the picture just as the backup dancer was posed as if he was looking up at the acrobat in wonder.

Another fabulous aspect of the show was the music.  There was one man who seemed to play every imaginable instrument, from piano to horn to drums.  And there was a woman with the most amazing, powerful, thrilling singing voice.  I was mesmerized every time she appeared on stage.

Seesaw Jumpers
The seesaw jumpers bounced each other high in the air where they did flips and twists before landing back on the seesaw to return the favor to their partner.  Sometimes they were so high, they went above my camera frame.

Now to explain the first photo above.  There was no photoshopping involved!  The lobby of the arena had a photo booth with a fun spherical jungle gym.  So we climbed in - and in my case on - for an awesome group pic showing off our Cirque moves!

Cirque du Soleil Ensemble Dance