Thursday, November 28, 2019

Giving Thanks

On this day of Thanksgiving, I would like to give thanks to my Delhi family.  Part of the expat experience includes being separated from friends and family back home.  Sometimes expats struggle to create a social and support network in our new home.  Or we acquire lots of acquaintances but fail to build deeper connections beyond sharing a drink in a foreign bar.

Maribel's enthusiasm for Crocs shoes was contagious!

I arrived in Delhi alone, and have had to adapt to my new identity as a divorcee.  I hadn't lived alone since college.  So while my apartment was often a sanctuary from the chaos of Delhi, it could also turn into an echo chamber of loneliness.

Celebrating Dorian's Birthday

But I soon developed a circle of friends with whom I've done seemingly everything in India:  sampled new restaurants, played sports, endured boring events, performed Bollywood dance, explored shopping markets, mourned losses, attended fancy balls, celebrated birthdays, eaten Sunday brunch, and, of course, traveled!

Dabbling in Indian culture

So, today I give thanks for Karime, Will, Dorian, Maribel, Yanira, and Troy.  May we continue to enjoy or endure (depends on who you ask!) together our remaining months in Delhi and may we look forward to future adventures in Bolivia, Mexico, and DC or wherever we find ourselves together again.

From left: Maribel, Karime, Will, Dorian, Erica, Yanira, Troy
sharing Thanksgiving together

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